Are you REALLY in a recession?

Are you REALLY in a recession?

Are you REALLY in a recession?

January 6, 2009

Are you REALLY in a recession?

The doom and gloom associated with the economic news of the past year or so is certainly sobering. Job losses mount at a staggering rate; companies are closing plants and reorganizing by laying off workers, and the lifeblood of small businesses- the credit market- is reeling so much from the effects of its current status […]

A few thoughts:
February 9, 2010

Are You Swimming Naked?

My apologies for any unpleasant visuals that have just been created. However, there is a very important lesson in that analogy that needs to be “uncovered”. Warren Buffett (you’ve heard the name, I’m sure) has several insightful, impactful quotes. One of his quotes that struck me is the following: “Only when the tide goes out […]

A few thoughts:
July 8, 2010

A business lesson… AT A CRICKET MATCH?

So I am on vacation last week in the beautiful Caribbean island of Barbados. It has been something of a tradition for the men in my family to attend a 5-day cricket Test match in that country for the last several years. I’ll spare you the grisly details of the match, but it is relevant […]

A few thoughts:
February 3, 2011

Building a Million-dollar Business- what would YOUR business sell for?

There are several key points to remember when one considers what makes a business valuable. It’s of course important to have a product or service for which there is a market, a management team that thinks strategically enough to make the business a success, and employees who are committed to doing whatever is necessary to […]

A few thoughts:
January 24, 2017

Entrepreneurs, Whats your exit strategy?

Working for yourself can be very liberating; but, don’t be so trapped in the minutia of the everyday grind, that you ignore the very important strategic planning that (hopefully) should go hand in hand with being an entrepreneur.

A few thoughts:
October 31, 2019

Should I perform my own valuation?

An advantage to living in the 21st century is that there is plenty information available at the click of a mouse, to anyone in need of it. However, it can be an erroneous assumption to think that you can simply determine the value of a business by implementing what shows up on the first page […]

A few thoughts:

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